Bonjour ma famille!! Yes we kind of started french yesterday but we still mostly speak tahitian. I have the accent almost down and it's already starting to slip into my everyday speech. There are somethings that I hardly ever say in english anymore! There are some really weird words for things in tahitian because it's such an ancient language. Like horse translates over to 'pig-run-land' because they don't have a word for horse. And computer room is 'room of the electric brain'...which is...creepy at best.
I've started writing things down that I want to tell you so I can remember them. This week was great. It was the new mission president seminar and we ate in the gym. Along with that we ate catered food from other restaurants. Papa Johns, Chik-fil-a, Costa Vida (be still my heart!), and subway. It was the bomb diggity. I also had Graham Canyon ice cream for you mom :)
Oh ya! I a new suit! I actually traded mine for elder Arne's (he's the elder going to France that's our room mate.) He was complaining about how baggy and long his suit was and I was complaining about how tight mine was and he's a little skinnier and shorter than me. We decided to try each other's suits on and lo and behold...I have a suit that feels like it was tailored for my body. I'm so happy! He's happy too, mine fits him alot better.
This district has deffinitely not been blessed with health by the way. (the district are the tahitian missionaries that are going to Tahiti) Sister D has an upper respiratory virus that is going to take her a while to get over but she's doing alright. Sister M almost passed out yesterday and later learned that she had a concussion or something from hitting her head on the bed every morning. Sister T may have to be switched to a different mission because of a bowel inflamatory disease. We're waiting on the news right now. I think that's it right now, besides the Sister S thing a while ago. God's helping us all get through things and Illness just happens to be a thing in this district I guess.
My district with the Tahitian EldersWe sung the most powerful version of Precious savior, Dear Redeemer this week too. I had just never heard a song arranged quite so powerful as that one. The spirit just set my heart on fire with every note, and every word in the song. I've realized this week just HOW MUCH God loves me...It's alot. I just look at my life and see all the things that he's given me. It's awesome! Anyway, that's helped me be happy and have an even better attitude about missionary work. Because I have been given much, I too must give. Not just 'must', but I want to as well. Well, I will end it here. Ua ite au e e mea parau mau i te Evanelia, Ua here Te Atua e Iesu Mesia ia tatou, e ua pohe Iesu Mesia no tatou na reira e riro tatou o Te Atua mai. Na roto i te I'oa o Iesu Mesia, Amene. That was my testimony. I know the church is true, I know God and Jesus Christ love us, and I know that Iesu Mesia died so that we may become like God. In the name of Jesus Christ, amene.
Oh ya, pronunciation guide for all of you who got a word and will get one.
e-- as in may
a-- as in bought
i-- as in meet
o-- as in oh
u-- as in oops
"s"s are pronounced as "t"s, "L"s are pronounced like "r"s.
That's the basics. pronounce all the vowels.
Ia ora na i teie ahiahi, Orometua Clements.
Elder Clements in his snappy new suit... among other things ;)