We have an elder and three sisters that just got here that are going to Tahiti and they're from Vanuatu and New Caledonia and only speak french. I can kind of help them out a little now that I know some french and am pretty decent in tahitian.
You and Elder Garff's mom send me so much food every week and I try and give it away but I still just have a mountain of it in my room. I'll take a picture of it. It's pretty sweet. Not much has happened this week. Went to the temple this morning for the first time in a while. That was refreshing. The breakfast at the temple is amazing by the way.
We saw the Character of Christ talk again and got a good ol lecture from Elder Bednar again. That man speaks with fire, let me tell you. I was going to quote him but I figure without the context it might not be as great. Anyway I'm out of time. I'm trying to type faster but I also had a bunch of people to email today. Until next week. The church remains true. See ya.
Je vous-aime, Elder Clements.