Wednesday, January 25, 2017


January 16th

I'm not  gonna write too much today because I've got stuff to do but ya I GOT TRANSFERRED!! I've been in Pare for the last 7 months and It's kind of hard to leave. Yesterday was a great last Sunday. I spend pretty much all day visiting people and saying goodbye. At church there were a bunch of my friends with that came and the new member we baptized blessed the sacrament which was so cool as well. 

My new secteur is on the other side of the island in Mataiea where I will be the new zone leader with Elder Gonzalez from France. I'm excited about it. I'll be driving a big 'ol toyota deisel van too so that's cool.  That's about it. I gotta go drop some Elders off at the ferry to go to Moorea and then go do more transfer stuff. Have a good week!

Last supper in Pare with Bishop and his family and Laman and his family.

Ward mission leader and his wife

January 23rd

    Alright so this week it rained...a lot. When I say a lot I mean destructive amounts of water endlessly pouring out of the sky. Basically the news is that the most populated parts of Tahiti got SUPER hit by flooding Saturday night/Sunday morning. The worst of it is in Punaauia, Papeete, and Pirae. The latter being my last area. The underground parking lots are all chuck full of water in Papeete and pirae, a large bridge in Punaauia collapsed, a few peoples house collapsed  and many damaged in Pirae and a large part of the road turned into the river (that was gnarly)

 and even the airport flooded and damaged a couple air Tahiti planes and shut down all flights in and out for more than 24 hours. (I'll bet that'll be expensive) ya.

 I went into town today and it really wasn't the apocalypse that the news made it look like. There's still a fair amount of damage but most stores are still open and most people are going about life like normal. School was out today and most church was cancelled yesterday. We didn't really help at all because there was no damage on this side of the island and by the time we got to town this morning it was all under control....I kinda wanted to but oh well I guess. Tahitians are good about a speedy clean up
     Other than that being a zone leader is super cool. We had a lot of miracles this week and I'm getting along with my new companion SO great. So that's all for now folks. Have a good one and please send a few prayers in the direction of the affected people of flooding here in Tahiti. Thanks and love you all!

-Elder Clements