Wednesday, April 6, 2016

La Conférence Génerale

So generale conference seems to have come and gone. We were actually able to watch it here. However it was at 6:00 in the morning. There wasn't any english which I prefer just because it's their real voices and not the nasally voice of the french translator. Nevertheless, I still got some really good stuff out of it. One of my favorites, like mom, was Jeffrey R Holland and then of course I liked President Uchtdorf's. I really liked the Prophet's too but it was sure short.
     This week we did a bunch more service. We finished the job with the copra by doing what we call pita'a or talking the coconut meat out of the shell. I felt pretty useless when we showed up because nobody wanted to let the white guys do it but thank heavens president George's daughter, 8, was exited to teach us how to do everything. The same day we went to Michel's house with president George and mowed his lawn...well the paumotu version of that anyway. We do it with big gas powered weed whackers pretty much. He and his wife really appreciated it that and so they invited us over to eat on sunday after the last session. We had fish, poisson cru, ipo, and coconut water. absoluety delicious! 
     On april fool's we didn't do all that much. Actually that was the day we did most of our service. Elders Terry and Lewis got us pretty good though. We got home after eating and saw a sign on the freezer that said "left-over chicken, enjoy". We opened and found, of course, a live chicken in our freezer. It was pretty cold and angry but we let her go and now she lives at the house. The rest of the island did some pretty good stuff though like fake radio advertisements and such.
     I sang karaoke on wednesday which was pretty legit. I sung a couple beatles songs  - Let it Be and Imagine as well as I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. I guess I can sing higher now because I was actually able to sing those. Well word got out that I have a "good voice" and now I'm going to be singing and playing for a marriage on wednesday and I really am starting the guitar class!

Karaoke Night
That was pretty much the week. As far as missionary work, it took a drop this week for some reason but so did the rest of the mission. There was only one baptism mission wide and all my districts numbers were a lot lower than normal but It looks like the rest were too. Very strange but we'll hit this week hard and rely on God through obedience and prayer to spread the gospel more effectively. Also we need to find a boat to rent. K la famille, maitaki ia koutou i toku kainga.
-Elder Clements